Results for Wildlife

  • How to make a Bird Box
    Bird boxes come in various sizes and designs and there sure will be one which fits your garden and will suit your local birds.
    Category: project
  • Leave a Log
    Insects need places to shelter from harsh weather and also to hibernate. Insects are also an important food source for various birds, like robins and blue tits.
    Category: project
  • Ditch the chemicals
    Back to hand weeding, or simply leaving the weeds. Back to non-chemical pest control, or just accept that perfect vegetables don't exist in the wild!
    Category: project
  • Build a (mini) pond
    By creating a water feature you are actively supporting wildlife and the best thing is, it doesn't need to be a large pond, it can also be a washing up bowl!
    Category: project
  • Plant a Tree
    Trees are massively important, not just for wildlife but they play an important role in preventing flash floods too and the good news is, even a small garden can have a tree!
    Category: project
  • Caring for birds in Summer
    Birds may need a helping hand in summer too; prolonged droughts can mean that birds have difficulty finding water. Here is what you can do to help birds during summer.
    Category: project
  • Leave Flowering Ivy
    Don't cut back flowering ivy in Autumn, but leave it for the bees
    Category: project
  • 'Weedy' Omelette
    As long as you know which weed is which, you can make very healthy dishes for virtually nothing!
    Category: recipe
  • Leave it to Nature
    Insects, birds, amphibians, plants and animals are all under threat from the loss of their natural habitats. We have simply become far too neat and tidy in our gardens! You won’t f...

  • Elderberry & Rosehip Drink
    Homemade elderberry syrup.
    Category: recipe