Results for Scotland

  • Stirling Health Food Store
    Award winning independent Health Shop selling whole & dietary foods, supplements, toiletries and home brew in Stirling, Scotland, UK.

  • Sorrel and Lettuce Soup
    A green soup to celebrate the start of Spring! If you can't find sorrel, you can substitute it with spinach, although sorrel has a slightly acidic flavour. Sorrel can't be consumed...
    Category: recipe
  • Vegan Panna Cotta with White Chocolate
    This panna cotta is made with vegan chocolate and vegan gelatine. Topped with (wild) strawberries and blueberries, it makes a happy and healthy dessert!
    Category: recipe
  • Penne with seasonal veggies and egg
    A complete meal with penne for carbohydrates, plenty of seasonal vegetables for vitamins and egg for protein. Colourful, easy and healthy!
    Category: recipe
  • Leave it to Nature
    Insects, birds, amphibians, plants and animals are all under threat from the loss of their natural habitats. We have simply become far too neat and tidy in our gardens! You won’t f...

  • Smoothie with oats and strawberries
    All soft fruit is in season in July in Scotland, so make the most of it while you can! This breakfast recipe is vegan, dairy free, gluten free and easy to make.
    Category: recipe
  • Stirling Homebrew Shop
    Wanting to make your own beer, wine or cider? Here you can find all the basic equipment and ingredients to get started! (also known as Stirling Health Food Store) in Scotland, UK!

  • November Recipes
    Seasonal recipes for the month November. Potato dishes, gluten free dishes, vegetarian meals and vegan recipes. Choose grown in Scotland, for the least impact on the environment.
    Category: recipes
  • Roasted Root Vegetables
    Game (meat shot in the wild) has less impact on the environment than beef, chicken or pork. In contrast, deer are actually preventing trees to grow back in Scotland because they do...
    Category: recipe