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Results for Hedgehogs
Provide a bed for Hedgehogs
Hedgehogs need a safe place to spend the winter hibernating, here is what you can do.
Category: project
Build a Hedgeflap
The average hedgehog roams around 2 km (1 mile) per night, but fences restrict them in moving and stop them from finding enough food and also reduces the chance of finding a mate.
Category: project
Hedgehog Street
Stories, supporting hedgehogs and more tips and advice on how to help our prickly friends.
These cute little creatures are in serious decline and that is bad news for us, as hedgehogs are partial to a few slugs, so here are some things you can do to entice them to your g...
Category: project
Ditch the chemicals
Back to hand weeding, or simply leaving the weeds. Back to non-chemical pest control, or just accept that perfect vegetables don't exist in the wild!
Category: project